
PHOENIX (2020)

short film

Writer: Aylin Tezel
Director: Aylin Tezel
Cast: Killian Scott, Bríd Brennan, Leonie Benesch

Anton is about to lose the two most important women in his life but it takes the story of the king ́s son to make him face his fate.


short film

Writer: Daniel Thomaser & Pola Beck
Director: Pola Beck
Cast: Rosalie Thomass, Sebastian Stern, Monika Oschek

Lucy is tired of trying to be the perfect mother. Buried deep beneath a mountain of stinky diapers, her soul boils. When a mall security guard catches her stealing a tube of lipstick, he holds her for interrogation and unwittingly opens a Pandora’s box of Lucy’s hidden demons…demons that will scare the poor rent-a-cop worse than 1000 armed thieves. A surreal comedy about the absurdities of modern-day motherhood.

Funded by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Kuratorium Junger Deutscher Film, and the BKM.

Sales & distribution: interfilm


feature film

Writer: Aron Lehmann & Stephan Irmscher
Director: Aron Lehmann
German Distributor: drei-freunde Filmverleih
Cast: Golo Euler, Rosalie Thomass, Thorsten Merten, Heinz-Josef Braun, Christoph M.Herbst, Eva Bay, Daniel Zillmann

A modern-day fairy tale about freedom, independence and anarchy in the form of a road trip movie. Huber is a small-town farmer who grows sick of living under the yoke of the agro-industrial complex, and decides to fight back. Like Spartacus, he wanders the country freeing others from their corporate slave drivers, and leading the masses to revolt.

A co-production with ZDF – Das Kleine Fernsehspiel, Pantaleon Films, Arri Media, in collaboration with Arte and co-produced by Ulrich Stiehm.
Funded by the FFF Bayern, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenbug, and the DFFF.

German theatrical release: September 29th, 2016


fashion films.

Die Idee, Mode und Bewegtbild zu verbinden, Mode-Filme zu produzieren, ist für Miriam Klein die logische Konsequenz ihrer beruflichen Entwicklung der letzten zehn Jahre. Ihre jahrelange Erfahrung und engen Kontakte zur internationalen Modewelt sowie ihre Arbeit als Producerin für deutsche Kino- und TV-Filme sind die beste Voraussetzung, um qualitativ hochwertige Mode-Filme zu produzieren. Nicht zuletzt vereint Miriam Klein in a little. film production ihre beiden größten Leidenschaften – den Film und die Mode.


Hutton Queen. A collection by Willem Gremliza. Starring: Renate Zatsch.
Producer: Miriam Klein Director: René Fietzek DOP: Cristian Pirjol
Music: Boris Bojadzhiev
Voice by Daniella D’Ambrosio


Freshmen collection Spring Summer 2012. Inspired by J.D.Salinger’s Franny and Zooey.
Producer: Miriam Klein Director: Verena Mundhenke DOP: Cristian Pirjol
Music by FENSTER “White to red”.

Humanity in Fashion Award 2012

Portrait of the three nominees during the presentation and award ceremony in January 2012 in Berlin.
Commissioned by hessnatur.
Producer: Miriam Klein DOP: Cristian Pirjol Editor: Francis Kamprath
Music by HUNDREDS.